franz amador

ART 2013 Port Townsend

ART 2013 Port Townsend

The third Artist Round Table was held in Port Townsend July 2013. Photographers from China, Seattle, Indiana, Vancouver and Port Townsend met together with sculptor Jan Hoy and writer Wes Cecil. The discussions were very passionate as participants shared their own interpretations of art and being an artist. We may not have all agreed but being transparent is an important aspect of ART. There were light moments too as people stepped outside into the “weeping garden” for a moment of quiet reflection and met in small groups at the end of the night for “debriefs”. No one gets to bed early at any ART!

Here is a wonderful idea one of the participants Franz Amador shared with us: 154 Rocks

And here is a blog post by Deborah Howard: ART: The Care and Feeding of Creativity

Plus a few thoughts from Edward Brydon who attended both 2013 round tables: In the Rear View Mirror

Posted by RayK in artist round table, 0 comments